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Obama pledges billions for renewable energy projects

"President says $129bn that has been allocated for environmental plans is off limits to Congress"


Cold fusion debate heats up again

"The long-standing debate about cold fusion is receiving new impetus at the American Chemical Society's national meeting in the US this week."

Category: Energy sources


Q&A: Liquid water on Mars

"James Head III and Samuel Schon, talked to BBC News science reporter Paul Rincon about the implications for understanding Mars and its potential for supporting life."

Category: Space


UFO files show 'close encounter'

"A boomerang-shaped object seen from an airport control tower and a woman's encounter with an "alien" are among the secrets revealed in official UFO files."

Category: Space


World's cheapest car hits Indian market

Tata Motors: The £1300 car arrives in India. While it offers the dream of freedom and affordability never dreamed of before to Indians, what will millions of new cars do for pollution and the climate there? Is it fair for the 1st...

Displaying results 1356 to 1360 out of 2977